LI Xinjian

LI Xinjian

Dr. Li Xinjian, National 1st class Registered Architect, is the Associate professor and MA advisor of School of Architecture in Southeast University. He holds the post of Deputy director of Key Laboratory of Urban and Architectural Heritage Conservation (KLUAHC), Ministry of Education. He is also the director of the ICOMOS CHINA Specialized Committee for disaster prevention and mitigation of cultural heritage, as well as the member of the National Heritage Conservation Standardization Committee, Cultural relics protection facilities Branch 

Dr. Li graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in 1997 and received his Doctorate from Southeast University in 2008. His researches focus on Urban and Architectural Heritage Conservation, Adaptable Traffic & Municipal Engineering in Urban Conservation, Conservation of Traditional Construction Crafts of China, History of Chinese Urban and Architecture.

Dr. Li has published 2 books and many papers, receiving a number of prizes and honors. He won The 2nd prize of Science & Technology Progress Award, Ministry of Education(2016), The 3rd prize of Excellent Award in Architects Branch, Architectural Society of China(2015) and etc.

In recent years, he has been involved in many funds supported by Natural Science Foundation of China, China Association for Science and Technology(CAST) and etc. Dr. Li has been also involved in a series of projects concerning conservation and design, such as Conservation Planning of Qijiacun Historic Area, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province(2016), Conservation Planning of National Historic village: Qiqiao, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province(2014-2015) and etc.

Contact information:
School of Architecture, Southeast University
#2 Si Pai Lou, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, 210096
Tel: +86 -13913000418
