Name: Li Li
Honorary Title
Professional Title: associate Institute of Architectural Algorithms & Applications, School of Architecture, Southeast University
Year of Award
Telephone Number

Research direction: indoor behavior and physical environment data collection and analysis techniques, interactive architecture, urban big data mining, etc. 

Li Li is dedicated to researches into both architecture and computer-aided design. He is mainly engaged in the research of indoor high-precision positioning, intelligent building, and data mining technology. In 2016, he obtained a Ph.D. degree from Eidgenata mini Technische Hochschule Zchschule ZZ, Switzerland.He served as a researcher of the Embedded Lab of ETH during his study abroad. In 2016, he began his research and teaching in the Institute of Architectural Computation and Application, School of Architecture, Southeast University, as a specially-hired non-local talent.

In terms of scientific research, he has made in-depth research on wireless sensor network, indoor positioning, and data mining, as well as developed a UWB positioning system for indoor high-precision positioning. This system has been put into successful application in the scientific research projects of Southeast University, Tsinghua University, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Shenzhen University, and other major architecture universities and colleges.His academic achievements have been published in top foreign journals such as IEEE Communications Magazine (SCI Zone I, IF: 10.435) and international conferences on digital architecture. He has been awarded with 2 utility model patents and 8 software copyrights, with 1 pending invention patent to add to his long list of achievements. He has published 4 SCI cited papers. He has led one project funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China for Young Scientists, and participated in one national key R&D program and two general funded projects. He also participated in the publishing 1 monograph.

In 2017, he won the support from the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Doctoral Graduates program, which is a branch of the High-Level Innovation and EntrepreneurshipTalents program organized by the Jiangsu provincial government. Later in 2018, he was again subsidized through the Nanjing Science and Technology Program for Overseas Students.

In terms of teaching, his students' course assignments won two second prizes and one third prize in the Sixth National College Digital Art and Design Awards in 2018– a provincial and ministerial-level competition, as well as two second prizes and one third prize in the Seventh National College Digital Art and Design Awards in 2019. He himself was awarded as the “Excellent Instructor”. Furthermore, a graduation project designed by one of his student was awarded as an excellent graduation project by Southeast University in 2018. In 2018, he was granted the Min Yu prize.
