AS Research Centre for Architectural Theory ▪ Blind Spots sries Marino Folin, architect, born in Venice, 1944. Graduated in 1968, became professor of “City and TerritoryAnalysis” at the University Institute for Architecture in Venice (IUAV) in 1972; since 1982 full professor of TownPlanning; and in 1988, a visiting Professor at the Institut Francais D’Urbanism - Paris VIII. Between 1991 and 2006,he has This symposium, titled Blind Spots, investigates what architecture can contribute to the condition of cities, and how cities reciprocate in kind. While we understand the meaning of Blind Spots requires further exploration, this symposium aims to provide a platform for the neglected, disregarded and undefined aspects in present urban transformations. On the one hand the discussion motivates unconventional ideas, understandings, encounters, proposals and practices outside of existing system of city development, it’s also an opportunity to reflect on potentials this process would bring to architecture. Following the argument that urban transformation is intricately linked with city developments, then factors such as scale, pace and influence contribute to the complexity and urgency of our contemporary situation. While urban transformation is a global occurrence, the instigating condition and environment in each location differentiates, but with some interesting commonalities. We base this symposium in Shanghai, where new transformations are underway, and hope to construct a stage for cross-context exchanges.
活动一:展览 Exhibition(2018.11.04-11.18) 活动二:研讨会 Symposium(2018.11.04,14:00-18:00) 演讲人Speakers 江頭慎 AA建筑联盟学院Diploma School第11设计单元导师 Shin Egashira , Unit Master, Diploma Unit 11, AA School of Architecture 李华 东南大学建筑学院副教授 Li Hua, Professor, Southeast University 刘克成 西安建筑科技大学教授 Liu Kecheng , Professor, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology 莫霞华 建集团华东建筑设计研究院有限公司规划建筑设计院城市更新研究中心 Arcplus Group PLC 乔纳斯·伦德伯 UFO总设计师、查尔姆斯理工大学副教授、AA建筑联盟学院Diploma School第16设计单元导师 Jonas Lundberg, Design Director of Urban Future Organization(UFO)、Chalmers Technical University ACE、Unit Master, Diploma 16, AA School of Architecture,Associate Professor 朱渊 东南大学建筑学院副教授 Zhu Yuan, Professor, Southeast University 庄慎 阿科米星建筑设计事务所 Zhuang Shen, Atelier Archmixing 研讨嘉宾 张桦 沈迪 高文艳 杨明 葛明 王为
李保峰 柴舒Taneli Mansikkamaki 华霞虹 陈海亮 田华 Roundtable Discussion ZhangHua, Shen Di, Gao Wenyan,Yang Ming Ge Ming, Wang Wei Li Baofeng, Susan Chai, Taneli Mansikkamaki, Hua Xiahong, Chen Hailiang, Tian Hua 活动地址:上海市南车站路600弄18号,华建集团上海建筑科创中心 Shanghai Archi-Scieneific Creation Centre, Arcplus Group PLC. Lane18, 600 Nan Chezhan Road, Shanghai 主办单位: 东南大学建筑学院 华建集团
outheast University Arcplus Group PLC 媒体支持:《建筑学报》、《新建筑》、《华建筑》
Media:Architectural Journal, New Architecture, H+A