
Urban Design

Urban Design
Prof. Jonathan Barnett


1. Virtual Urban Design Tour 1

07/01 (Wednesday) 20:00 Prof. Jonathan Barnett

2. 50 years of urban regeneration in Berlin

07/09  (Thursday) 14:30 Prof. Dr. Uwe Altrock

3. The regeneration of brownfield sites in Germany

07/14 (Tuesday) 14:30 Prof. Dr. Uwe Altrock

4. Virtual Urban Design Tour 2

07/15 (Wednesday) 20:00 Prof. Jonathan Barnett

5. Windows Upon Urban Design

07/17 (Friday) 14:30 Prof. Dr. Karl Friedheim Fischer

6. Learning from Europe

07/21(Tuesday) 14:30  Prof. Dr. Karl Friedheim Fischer

7. Temporary uses and the self-made city

07/24( Friday) 15:00  Prof. Dr. Uwe Altrock

8. Spotlights on German approaches to Planning Culture, Heritage & Conservation and New Urban Districts

07/28 (Tuesday) 14:30  Prof. Dr. Karl Friedheim Fischer


Prof. Jonathan Barnett

Jonathan Barnett is a world famous urban design expert, Professor of University of Pennsylvania, former president of New York Planning Association, New York registered architect; member of American Institute of architects; member of American Institute of registered planners. He has published many books, book chapters and papers on urban design. In his book urban design: a modernist, traditional, green and systematic perspective, Barnett discusses the history and current practice of the four most important urban design methods, and proposes a fifth method to draw on these four methods.

Prof. Dr. Uwe Altrock

Weil altok is a professor at Kassel University, Dean of the school of architecture, urban and landscape planning, head of the teaching and Research Office of urban renewal and planning, and urban planner. He is also co editor in chief of the German urban renewal Yearbook Series, spatial planning and urban development of the new EU Member States (Ashgate 2006) and the maturity of mega urban agglomerations: the gradual transformation of the Pearl River Delta (Springer 2014). His research areas include urban governance, mega cities, urban renewal and planning, planning theory and history.

Prof. Dr. Karl Friedheim Fischer

Karl Fischer is a retired professor at Kassel University in Germany. He is currently a visiting professor in the school of built environment at the University of New South Wales in Australia. Since 2013, he has been the director of the master's degree in urban development and urban design. His research focuses on international comparison of urban design and urban development, planning history and urban renewal (Germany / Australia / UK / USA / France). He has taught urban design, urban planning and planning history in Aachen, Berkeley, Canberra, Hamburg and Kassel.

Lecture Introduction

讲座1:城市设计的虚拟旅行 I

讲座4:城市设计的虚拟旅行 II

Concerning virtual lectures on urban design: as travel will be difficult until a vaccine is available for Covid19, my suggestion is that I use my virtual lectures to take your students on virtual urban design tours of some of the places where urban design has been implemented successfully. I think we could make three virtual visits during each lecture. I would describe each place using photos, especially from Google Globe and Google Street View, but with other background information like site plans and “before” photos. Each visit would take about 15 – 20 minutes. I would ask the students what are the most important lessons they can take away from each tour to use in their own work. I will suggest a few lessons if the students don’t see them right away. Then after, let us say, ten minutes of discussion, we would move on to the next visit.

1)Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires
2)HafenCity, Hamburg
3)Lincoln Square Special Zoning District, NYC


The talk shows how the long tradition of urban regeneration has changed from renewal and demolition in the heyday of post-war modernism to more careful approaches. It presents major achievements in terms of urban design and regeneration that characterize the German system of urban redevelopment grants such as socially integrative cities, the preservation of historic quarters and the restructuring of the building stock of post-war large housing estates in the suburban periphery.


The talk presents a variety of strategies that have been applied to different types of brownfields that have lost their original functions due to structural changes having taken place since the late 20th century on former military barracks, manufacturing sites and infrastructure facilities. It explores how new developments make use of the physical relics of a former period of urban development and how they contribute to satisfying the changing new needs of urban societies.

The first lecture derives its perspectives from the book “Windows Upon Planning History” and from the principles of the Masters’ Course of Urban Development & Design taught at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. It employs the metaphor of “windows” as an organizing principle and a heuristic device to look at different perceptions of urban realities and approaches to urban design in an interdisciplinary perspective.In a historical view, the lecture demonstrates how urban design emerged, as it were, as a bridge between architecture and planning, between British approaches to Town Planning, the Urbanismo practiced in the Mediterranean countries and the German practice of Städtebau, while drawing on a growing range of fields including the social sciences, economics etc. and a developing awareness of perspectives concerning heritage and sustainability.   The lecture emphasizes the value of integrating the views from the different windows opened by the individual disciplines into a synthesis or at least a co-operative joint approach in the interest of good city making. Following a survey of approaches to urban design from an international perspective, it looks at a set of principles behind the Masters’ Course of Urban Development & Design at the University of New South Wales including urban design as public policy. This concept as developed by Jonathan Barnett is a response to planning law created in the US and highly relevant in Australia, too, but less so in a European context. This observation leads us on to the themes of knowledge transfer and of learning from other countries.


The lecture“Learning from Europe presented as the Paul Reid Lecture at UNSW in 2011 and updated annually provides an overview across major developments, paradigm changes and case studies in the European urban design scene since the 1960s and throws up questions of learning processes between superficial copying and approaches based on in-depth consideration of basic structural issues, here on the example of Australia.


The talk focuses on the development and practice of incrementalregeneration of vacant buildings and sites with the help of temporary uses and interventions.It introduces major strategies and presents examples from Germany and Europethat show how alternative development approaches can help overcome periods ofstagnation, strengthen the local identity and contribute to a renewed belief inneglected areas.


A third lecture presents a selection of German approaches to urban design and urban development processes. It looks at perspectives of Planning Culture, developments in the field of Heritage and at case studies such as the New Urban Districts between Freiburg, Tübingen, Kassel and Hamburg‘s HafenCity.
