“Architecture Integrated with Landscape” Serial Forum (III)The Breath of Form: The Air of Buildings, Gardens, and PaintingsArchitecture Internationalization Demonstration School, Southeast UniversitySchool of Architecture, China Academy of ArtAsian Architectural Archive Center, Southeast UniversityDavid Leatherbarrow
Air is not only all around us, but in and through us, as well as our buildings and landscapes, enlivening as much as qualifying them, dissolving ostensible boundaries between works and their worlds, in much the same way that a tree’s leaves and branches come to life when the wind blows, or the way wind in its sails moves a boat forward. Buildings, gardens, and paintings that breathe their several milieux might well be the works in and with which contemporary culture would like to live.空气不仅萦绕在我们体外,同时也充盈并流淌于其中。亦如其之于建筑与景观,空气为它们注入生气,同时也赋予它们意义与价值,并消解了作品与所处世界之间的表象边界,犹如树的枝叶在风中呼吸、风帆推动船只前行。不乏一些建筑、园林以及绘画吐纳于多种意义上的周边环境中,这些作品或将构成当代文化适宜的生长土壤与共同的成长对象。Focusing on the ways windows and walls, fields, groves, and bodies of water breathe their ambient environments might help us get beyond the long-standing fixation on works of art as free-standing objects, designed to satisfy either of two distracting expectations: for striking form and imagery, or hyper-rationalized products of up-to-date technology.Neither of these options seems to have a productive future. A breathing or respiratory topography, however, might be a positive alternative for architecture, landscapes, cities, and our lives within them. 通过专注于窗户与墙壁、田野、树丛以及水体在其氛围环境中的呼吸方式,我们或许能够突破长期以来对艺术品的执念,即把它们视为独立于环境的物体,其设计意图无非追求引人瞩目的形式和图像,抑或成为过度理性的最新科技产物。然而目前看来,这两种令人纷扰的期待皆前景堪忧。相比之下,一种呼吸的、或者说吐纳的地形学将有可能替代传统认知下的建筑、景观、城市,并为其间的人类生活带来观念上的转变。This conference focuses on the often-overlooked role of air and its elements within the works of architecture, landscape, and painting. Recognizing and understanding the topographical play of air in these works may enhance modern architecture’s capability of accommodating and articulating the nuances of human life.本次会议关注在建筑、园林与绘画作品中往往被忽视的空气及空气中的元素。认识并理解空气在这些作品中起到的地形学上的作用,有助于让今日的建筑更好地容纳并表达人类的生活。1. Properties: physical properties of air, and various methods of tempering the environment by amplifying its inherent capacities.2. Atmosphere: sensory and psychological qualities of the air, and their role in contributing to the vibe and the mood of a place.3. Movements: respiratory exchanges that occur at boundaries, types of connections that modulate the flow of elements in air, and the actual and potential motion given to originally static objects. 4. Rhythms: tempos exhibited in the momentum of air, pulses of space configuration influenced by air filling the void, and principles of natural change guiding the beat of life and cadence of artifacts.1. 气-质:空气的诸多物理性质,以及通过增强空气内在特性的方式,用于调节环境的各种方法。
2. 气-氛:空气中的官感和心理的元素,以及这些元素在构建场所氛围和情绪中起到的作用。3. 气-运:空气在边界处发生的呼吸交换,调节空气流动的诸多种类的联结,以及在此过程中,为原本静止的物体带来的确实的或潜在的动态。4. 气-韵:空气流动所表现的速率,原本空无一物却因被空气填充而所展现出的空间布局上的律动,以及被自然规律引导的生命和人造物的节奏。Speakers’ Introduction | 演讲者

Winner of the Pritzker Architecture PrizeProfessor and Dean of the School of Architecture, China Academy of Art中国美术学院建筑艺术学院院长、教授

LIN Haizhong
Professor and Vice Director of the Appraisal Center for Chinese Traditional Arts, China Academy of Art中国美术学院书画鉴定中心副主任、教授

LIU Yichun
Founding partner and principal architect of Atelier Deshaus大舍建筑设计事务所主持建筑师、创始合伙人

Hokoi Shuichi
Professor of the Architecture Internationalization Demonstration School, Southeast University

WANG Xiangrong
Professor of the School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry UniversityEditor-in-Chief of Chinese Landscape Architecture《中国园林》主编

Philip Ursprung
Professor of the History of Art and Architecture and Former Dean at ETH Zurich苏黎世联邦理工学院艺术与建筑史教授、前院长

David Leatherbarrow
Foreign Dean and Professor of the Architecture Internationalization Demonstration School, Southeast University东南大学建筑国际化示范学院外籍院长、教授

Director of the Institute of Architectural History and Theory and Professor at Southeast University东南大学建筑历史与理论研究所所长、教授

Stanislaus Fung
Lecturer in Architecture, Harvard University Graduate School of DesignAdjunct Associate Professor of Architecture, Chinese University of Hong Kong香港中文大学建筑学院兼职副教授

GE Ming
Vice Dean and Professor of the School of Architecture, Southeast University东南大学建筑学院副院长、教授

Billie Tsien
Founding partner of Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects | PartnersCharles Gwathmey Practice Professorship at Yale UniversityTod Williams Billie Tsien Architects | Partners联合创始人Moderators’ Introduction | 主持人简介

SHI Yonggao
Professor of School of Architecture at Southeast University东南大学建筑学院教授

LU Wenyu
Co-Founder of Amateur Architecture StudioDirector of Laboratory Center for Sustainable Architecture, China Academy of Art中国美术学院可持续建筑实验中心主任

Esra Sahin Burat
Associate Professor of the Architecture Internationalization Demonstration School, Southeast University东南大学建筑国际化示范学院副教授

CHEN Lichao
Vice Dean, Professor and Department Chair at School of Architecture, China Academy of Art中国美术学院建筑艺术学院副院长、建筑艺术系主任、教授