一直以来,建筑学学科在新技术的影响下不断发展。尤其是近几年数字技术、人工智能所带来的创新思维和应用,促使古老的建筑学直面机遇和挑战,加快转型,探索新的学科边界。为此,从今年开始,仁辉讲堂增设“数智赋能(Digital Empowerment)”系列,展现国内外最新成果。
本期仁辉讲堂,由瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH Zurich)建筑系本杰明·迪伦伯格( Benjamin Dillenburger)教授主讲,采取线上线下同步直播的方式开展。
Bilibili直播间ID 东南大学

Design across scales
—— Additive manufacturing in construction
Digital Concrete
Concrete is the most used human-made material in the world, and it is responsible for around 8% of the total greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Hence, efficient concrete construction methods are one of the main foci of research in architecture, civil engineering, and material science. One recent development that promises to achieve this goal is the use of digital fabrication for building components.
Large scale additive manufacturing
The building blocks of the future will be microscopically designed. For example, the GROTESQUE project has shown that building elements can now be specified and synthesized at the scale of millimeters or less. In the future, it can be used to design high-performance components that can also integrate complex material requirements.
Smart slab (DFAB House)
Smart Slab is the first concrete slab fabricated with a 3D-printed formwork. It is a lightweight concrete slab, displaying three-dimensional geometric differentiation on multiple scales. It combines the excellent structural properties of concrete with the geometric freedom of 3D printing which allows for the creation of highly optimised building components with complex structural configuration out of concrete.
Tor Alva
The White Tower (Tor Alva) is an over 24-meter tall building that is 3D printed using concrete extrusion. Designed for Fundaziun Origen, the tower offers space for art installations and for music and theater performances. The White Tower will be printed three-dimensionally using a concrete extrusion process developed at the DBT group of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich). The tower will be one of the world’s tallest entirely 3D-printed structures.

本杰明·迪伦伯格是瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH Zurich)建筑系教授,数字建筑技术组(Digital Building Technologies, dbt)主任,瑞士国家能力研究中心(NCCR)首席专家。研究领域为智能建造,在3D打印结构与拓扑优化领域处于世界领先地位。他的团队专注于运算化设计方法,数字制造和新材料之间的跨学科研究,挖掘增材制造在建筑施工中的潜力,近年来完成了瑞士DFAB House智能楼板、3D打印塔Tor Alva等项目。Prof. Dr. Benjamin Dillenburger is Professor for Digital Building Technologies (dbt) at the Department of Architecture ETH Zurich and principal researcher at NCCR. His research focuses on the development of building technologies based on the close interplay of computational design methods, digital fabrication and new materials. He searches for ways to exploit the potential of additive manufacturing for building construction. His recent work includes the Smart Slab at DFAB House and Tor Alva (White Tower) in Mulegns.