
Conference Announcement | Forum on Modern Architectural History and Theory 2023

 2023 近现代建筑历史与理论研讨会 

Forum on Modern Architectural History and Theory 2023


  Construction & Heritage  

主办单位  Host


 Southeast University


Key Laboratory of Urban and Architectural Heritage Conservation of Ministry of Education

会议时间 Time
2023.12.02-2023.12.03   19:00-22:30

会议地点 Venue



会议主席 Chair



会议召集 Host

李海清 李新建

Haiqing LI, Xinjian LI

媒体支持 Media Support


 New Architecture, The Architect, Heritage Architecture

  会议主旨 Topics  


Value cognition is a fundamental issue of architectural heritage. As a result of the materiality of human construction behavior, behind tangible, habitable, and movable objects, architectural heritage has also accumulated the hidden effects and latent influences of intangible factors over thousands of years: skills, customs, norms, memories, emotions, thoughts and concepts, and even interesting souls. Its value observation and cognition are naturally imbued with cultural and institutional differences, which are complex and difficult to avoid.


Since modern times, due to the opening of Circumnavigation and unprecedented close communications between different countries, a major change that has not occurred in thousands of years has come into being. Under the interactive relationship between external forces and internal factors, China's construction activities are gradually entering a period of rapid transformation. From construction technology, administrative systems, to related concepts as well as national governance, social development, economic and cultural construction, which serve as the background of their changes, are all undergoing drastic changes and have continued to nowadays. Following this trend, it is inevitable that the value cognition of the modern architectural heritage has diverse opinions, making it even more complex and confusing. Meanwhile, compared to ancient relics, modern architectural heritage has a larger amount and wider range, and has infiltrated into daily life in the post industrial society. There is a huge demand for conservation and utilization, and its value recognition and evaluation need to be executed at the forefront, which urgently needs to be clarified through communication and discussion.


If we took construction as the starting point for this discussion, the materiality of the results, practicality of the process, and subjectivity of cognition can highlight the characteristics of the architecture discipline itself - how does construction shape the essence of architectural heritage? how does construction determine the value of architectural heritage? Furthermore, how can construction empower the continued development of surviving and growing architectural heritage? ......Well-known scholars from China and abroad will be invited to join the forum, and open up communication and interactive discussions restricted in the field of modern architectural history and theory, including their concepts around the above topics.

 会议日程  Schedule 


The forum will be held on the evening of December 2nd and 3rd respectively. There will be four lectures and interactions per session. For each lecture and interaction, there will be 30 minutes for lecturing and 15 minutes for discussion.

Session 1 
December 2nd, hosted by Haiqing LI


19:10-19:40潘玥 风土建筑的保护与再生:建造行为与遗产价值认知相互作用之诠释

Conservation and Regeneration of Vernacular Architecture:On the Interaction between Construction Behavior and Heritage Value Cognition

19:40-19:55与谈 赵辰、沈旸

19:55-20:25刘晖 技术转移和本土响应:广州工人新村规划与建造的两条线索

Technology Transfer & Local Response: Two Clues for the Planning and Construction of Workers' New Residence in Guangzhou

20:25-20:40与谈 朱晓明、钱毅

20:40-21:10唐莉 遗产价值的建造维度:从近现代昆明“云纺”锯齿形厂房谈起

The Construction Dimension of Heritage Value: Starting from the Zigzag Roof Building in Yunnan Textile Factory in Modern Kunming

21:10-21:25与谈 彭长歆、冷天

21:25-21:55许东明 从建筑保护到文化保护——世界遗产地勒罗斯矿区所见与所思

From Architectural Conservation to Cultural Preservation: A Case Study of the World Heritage Røros Mining Town, in Understanding the Modern and Industrial Heritage Conservation in Norway

21:55-22:10与谈 高曼士(Thomas Coomans)、陆地

22:10-22:30 讨论

Session 2
December 3rd, hosted by Xinjian LI

19:00-19:30张光玮 交织的时空——当代遗产保护实践下的近代建筑

Interwoven Time and Space: An Observation of Modern Architecture in a Perspective of the Conservation Practice of Contemporary Heritage 

19:30-19:45与谈 郭华瑜、钱毅

19:45-20:15郑红彬 建成遗产的结果呈现、建造历史与价值评估——以上海三一教堂为例

Presentation, Construction and Evaluation of Built Heritage: Taking the Holy Trinity Church in Shanghai as an Example

20:15-20:30与谈 张鹏、陆地

20:30-21:00宿新宝 西风东渐中的上海营造:近代建筑技术及其特征的价值认知

The Construction of Shanghai under the Influences of the West on the East: The Value Cognition of Modern Architectural Technology and Its Characteristics

21:00-21:15与谈 谭刚毅、冷天

21:15-21:45侯实 价值在行动中产生并变化——重庆聚兴诚银行的建造、遗产化与保护历程

Values Generated and Shaped by Actions: the Construction, Heritagization and Conservation of Young Brothers Banking Corporation Building in Chongqing

21:45-22:00与谈 冯棣、沈旸




