Constructing Terrain:
Architecture Integrating Geology and Anthropology
Architectural Internationalization Demonstration School, Southeast University亚洲建筑档案中心
Asian Architectural Archive Center
Esra Şahin Burat
2024.12.7 - 12.8
14:00 pm - 18:05 pm (UCT+8)
Asian Architectural Archive Center,Southeast University(线上)Zoom会议室
ZOOM Meeting
Although buildings are like airplanes and boats in many ways, their uniqueness as places of inhabitation is apparent as soon as builders leave the construction site— every building is fundamentally grounded in the earth, even those designed for mobility or impermanence. This grounding, however, is no simple matter. First, it depends less on rigidity than response, for terrain undergoes continual changes, ranging from the rhythms and paces of diurnal cycles to those of shifting tectonic plates. The success of construction is measured by its response to these changes—as well as those of fashion, technology, politics, and environment (vegetal and atmospheric). Second, we expect that grounding also indicates stability, that terrain provides the world’s volatility with orientation, solidity, and order. When philosopher Edmund Husserl famously said, “the Earth does not move,” he reminded us of this enduring background, which is not merely the physical soil nor the passive planet, but the primary order of the natural world. This Earth signifies humanity's primordial home, most profoundly revealed in the enactments of our everyday life. It is our routines, histories, and prospects that crystallize and sustain the spatial dynamics, anchoring the works of architecture in the world.
尽管建筑物在许多方面都与飞机和船只相似,但一旦建造者离开建筑场地,它们作为居住场所的独特性就显而易见了——每栋建筑都深植于大地,即使是那些为移动或临时性而设计的建筑也同样如此。然而,这种扎根并非易事。首先,它更多依赖于互动反馈而非恒定不移,因为土地会不断变化,迅速如昼夜周期的节奏和步调,缓慢如地壳板块之运动。建造的成功与否,正取决于它对这些更迭以及时尚、技术、政治和环境(植物和大气)变化的反应。其次,我们也会期望这种扎根能够予人以稳定感,期望土地能够为动荡的世界提供方向、稳固和秩序。哲学家埃德蒙德·胡塞尔有句名言:“地球是不会移动的”,他这么说是要提醒我们注意地球这个恒久的背景——它不止是有形的土壤或冷漠的行星,还是自然世界的基本秩序。大地是人类最初的家园,这一点在我们日常生活的方方面面得到了最深刻的体现。正是我们的日常生活、历史和前景,使空间动态得以凝聚和维持,使建筑作品得以在世界扎根。This conference invites reflections on the ways design and construction ground buildings in their terrain via our stories. It seeks to explore the capacities of terrain to prompt creative project making. The soil, often deemed to be silent, must be given a voice for this. Its surfaces and substructures, flows and weights, paths and barriers, depressions and elevations, colors and streaks, minerals and life forms have things to say, or to express, especially when their potentials are rendered articulate through architectural design and construction. Conformity hardly seems up to the task of creativity—despite all that’s been said about respecting the genius of the place in architecture, landscape, and urban design—more interesting are those projects and descriptions that take as their starting point the natural and cultural histories that are embedded in contemporary terrain, their potentialities and problems, capacities and conflicts, as disclosed in construction. Might architectural tectonics, then, often narrowly focused on the built object, be understood more fully when seen to cultivate and contest the structures of terrain? Might architecture make legible geological knowledge and anthropological understanding?此次会议期待诸位思考这么一个问题:设计和建造如何让建筑扎根于场地?它旨在探索地形对创造性项目的启发。为此,通常被视为沉寂的土地,必须发出声响。土地的表面和基础、流动和沉重、道路和阻碍、凹陷和隆起、颜色和条痕、矿物和生命,它们都有话要说,或有所表达,尤其是当它们的潜质因建筑的设计和建造被充分展现时。尽管在建筑、景观和城市的设计中,人们一直说要尊重地方精神,但一味依循似乎也难以胜任创造性的任务。更为引人兴致的,是那些以当代地形中蕴含的自然和文化历史为出发点的项目和描述,因为它们的潜力和问题、能力和冲突,都因建造得以显露。那么,通常被狭隘地认为只关注建成对象本身的“建构学”,如果被视为对地形之结构关系的培育和重构,是否会得到更为全面的理解呢?而建筑学又能否让地质学知识和人类学认知变得明晰可辨呢?
Professor, Foreign Dean, Architecture Internationalization Demonstration School, Southeast UniversityDirector, Asian Architectural Archive Center

Professor, Head of School, School of Architecture, Aristotle University Thessaloniki

Assistant Professor, Architecture Internationalization Demonstration School, Southeast University

Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Aristotle University Thessaloniki

Associate Professor, Architecture Internationalization Demonstration School, Southeast UniversityAssociate Director, Asian Architectural Archive Center

Professor, School of Architecture, Southeast UniversityDeputy Director, Architectural Review Committee of the Architectural Society of China

National Engineering Survey and Design MasterProfessor, School of Architecture, Southeast UniversityChief Architect, Architects & Engineers Co., Ltd. of Southeast University

Founding partner and principal architect, Yalın Architecture承孝相
Professor, Dong-A UniversityPrincipal architect & planner, IROJE

Professor, School of Architecture, Southeast UniversityAssociate Director, Asian Architectural Archive Center张鹏举
National Engineering Survey and Design MasterProfessor, Inner Mongolia University of Technology张旭
Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Southeast UniversityPrincipal architect, Atelier XÜKPlease stay tuned on the agenda and abstract of the speeches!请申请线上参会的校内外师生、从业者向会务组发送注册申请。请填写回执,并发送至seu_lxq@163.com, 会务组将在收到回执后,以电子邮件形式确认注册成功,并提供线上参会信息。 Teachers, students, and practitioners on and off campus who wish to attend the online conference should send a registration application to the organizing committee. Please fill out the reply form and send it to seu_lxq@163.com. The organizing committee will provide the Zoom link for successful applicants.1.请以”学校/机构+姓名”的方式申请进入会议等候室,名字不符合规范将不被接纳入场;2.请提前15分钟进入会议等候室,会议正式开始后不再接受加入申请;1. Please adjust your zoom account name to “institution + name”, incorrect format will be denied.2. Please access the waiting room 15 minutes before the meeting. When the meeting starts, all entries will be denied.3. Please keep your mic mute during the meeting.