Frontiers of Architectural Research(FoAR)是由东南大学,高教出版社和Elsevier共同出版的先端建筑学杂志,为开放获取(Open Access)学术期刊,免费下载阅读。支持平台为Elsevier的Science Direct,平台地址:
表:各个国家下载量所占百分比 - Top 10
根据Elsevier的Science Direct平台的统计,评出了FoAR2015年年内下载量Top 50
1. Evolution of Islamic geometric patterns
作者:Abdullahi, Y.; Embi, M.R.B.,卷期:2(2),下载次数:15638
2. Passive cooling techniques through reflective and radiative roofs in tropical houses in Southeast Asia: A literature review
作者:Al-Obaidi, K.M.; Ismail, M.,卷期:3(3),下载次数:15003
3. Mosque layout design: An analytical study of mosque layouts in the early Ottoman period
作者:Faris Ali Mustafa,卷期:2(4),下载次数:12556
4. Geometric proportions: The underlying structure of design process for Islamic geometric patterns
作者:Dabbour, Loai M,卷期:1(4),下载次数:10182
5. Using passive cooling strategies to improve thermal performance and reduce energy consumption of residential buildings in U.A.E. buildings
作者:Hanan M. Taleb,卷期:3(2),下载次数:9163
6. Tree-inspired dendriforms and fractal-like branching structures in architecture: A brief historical overview
作者:Md Rian, I.; Sassone, M.,卷期:3(3),下载次数:8471
7. Healthy campus by open space design: Approaches and guidelines
作者:Lau, S.S.Y.; Gou, Z.; Liu, Y.,卷期:3(4),下载次数:8011
8. Therapeutic landscapes and healing gardens: A review of Chinese literature in relation to the studies in western countries
作者:Shan Jiang,卷期:3(2),下载次数:7859
9. Urban Physics: Effect of the micro-climate on comfort, health and energy demand
作者:Moonen, Peter; Defraeye, Thijs,卷期:1(3),下载次数:5845
10. Privacy, modesty, hospitality, and the design of Muslim homes: A literature review
作者:Othman, Z.; Aird, R.; Buys, L,卷期:4(1),下载次数:5047
11. Modernity in tradition: Reflections on building design and technology in the Asian vernacular
作者:Rashid, M.; Ara, D.R.,卷期:4(1),下载次数:4949
12. Planting design for urban parks: Space syntax as a landscape design assessment tool
作者:Mahmoud, A.H.,卷期:4(1),下载次数:4579
13. Role of bazaars as a unifying factor in traditional cities of Iran: The Isfahan bazaar
作者:Pourjafar, M.; Amini, M.,卷期:3(1),下载次数:4167
14. Breathing Architecture: Conceptual architectural design based on the investigation into the natural ventilation of buildings
作者:Stavridou, A.D.,卷期:4(2),下载次数:3812
15. Performance evaluation of residential buildings in public housing estates in Ogun State, Nigeria: Users'satisfaction perspective
作者:Ibem, E.O.; Opoko, A.P.,卷期:2(2),下载次数:3811
16. A brief analysis of spatial constitution and functional organization of museum architecture: A case study on museums in Hefei
作者:Li, Z.; Wei, Q.; He, H.,卷期:2(3),下载次数:3625
17. Reinforced concrete in Louis Kahn's National Assembly, Dhaka: Modernity and modernism in Bangladeshi architecture
作者:Kathleen James-Chakraborty,卷期:3(2),下载次数:3402
18. Progress in research on Chinese urbanization
作者:Chaolin, GU; Liya, WU,卷期:1(2),下载次数:3368
19. Reflections on architectural design education: The return of rationalism in the studio
作者:Bashier, F.,卷期:3(4),下载次数:3326
20. Ownership, structure, and performance of architectural firms
作者:Oluwatayo, A.A.; Amole, D.,卷期:2(1),下载次数:3182
21. Entry qualifications and academic performance of architecture students in Nigerian Polytechnics: Are the admission requirements still relevant?
作者:Adewale, P.O.; Adhuze, O.'.,卷期:3(1),下载次数:3032
22. Integrated design approach for improving architectural forms in industrialized building systems
作者:Siva Jaganathan,卷期:2(4),下载次数:2798
23. Effects of outdoor shared spaces on social interaction in a housing estate in Algeria
作者:Naceur Farida,卷期:2(4),下载次数:2720
24. Development of an adaptive thermal comfort equation for naturally ventilated buildings in hot-humid climates using ASHRAE RP-884 database
作者:Toe, D.H.C.; Kubota, T.,卷期:2(3),下载次数:2622
25. Choosing heat sinks for cooling in tropical climates
作者:Bruelisauer, M.; Meggers, F.;,卷期:2(3),下载次数:2621
26. Significance of house-type as a determinant of residential quality in Osogbo, Southwest Nigeria
作者:Jiboye, A.D.,卷期:3(1),下载次数:2607
27. Post-occupancy evaluation of residential satisfaction in Lagos, Nigeria: Feedback for residential improvement
作者:David Jiboye, Adesoji,卷期:1(3),下载次数:2446
28. Quiet environment: Acoustics of vertical green wall systems of the Islamic urban form
作者:Ismail, M.R.,卷期:2(2),下载次数:2426
29. Impact of urban upgrading on perceptions of safety in informal settlements: Case study of Bouakal, Batna
作者:Farida Naceur,卷期:2(4),下载次数:2412
30. Urban greenways: Operationalizing design syntax and integrating mathematics and science in design
作者:Sharma, A.,卷期:4(1),下载次数:2295
31. Problems and solutions in the protection of historical urban areas
作者:Wang, Jinghui,卷期:1(1),下载次数:2277
32. Beyond postcolonialism: New directions for the history of nonwestern architecture
作者:James-Chakraborty, K.,卷期:3(1),下载次数:2129
33. Visual language in Mamluk architecture: A semiotic analysis of the Funerary Complex of Sultan Qaitbay in Cairo
作者:Shafik Ramzy, N.,卷期:2(3),下载次数:2104
34. Designing for change: The poetic potential of responsive architecture
作者:Meagher, M.,卷期:4(2),下载次数:2020
35. Parametric study on the performance of green residential buildings in China
作者:Wang, X.; Altan, H.; Kang, J.,卷期:4(1),下载次数:1962
36. Wind comfort in a public urban space-Case study within Dublin Docklands
作者:Szucs, A.,卷期:2(1),下载次数:1875
37. China's architectural heritage conservation movement
作者:Zhu, Guangya,卷期:1(1),下载次数:1864
38. The evolving role of evidence-based research in healthcare facility design competitions
作者:Verderber, S.; Jiang, S.,卷期:3(3),下载次数:1834
39. Search for design intelligence: A field study on the role of emotional intelligence in architectural design studios
作者:Nazidizaji, S.; Tome, A.;,卷期:3(4),下载次数:1747
40. Evaluation of indoor environmental quality conditions in elementary schools' classrooms in the United Arab Emirates
作者:Moshood Olawale Fadeyi,卷期:3(2),下载次数:1722
41. Optimizing energy efficiency and occupant comfort with climate specific design of the building
作者:Mitterer, Christoph,卷期:1(3),下载次数:1628
42. The optimization of architectural shape based on Genetic Algorithm
作者:Li, Li,卷期:1(4),下载次数:1609
43. Critical analysis of key determinants and barriers to digital innovation adoption among architectural organizations
作者:Ramilo, R.; Embi, M.R.B.,卷期:3(4),下载次数:1609
44. Reyner Banham and modern design culture
作者:Wiryomartono, Bagoes,卷期:1(3),下载次数:1587
45. Design support tools to sustain climate change adaptation at the local level: A review and reflection on their suitability
作者:Dubois, C.; Cloutier, G.;,卷期:4(1),下载次数:1566
46. Sustainable strategies applied on commercial architecture in Australia
作者:Shao, J.,卷期:2(3),下载次数:1489
47. Agent-based modeling in urban and architectural research: A brief literature review
作者:Chen, Liang,卷期:1(2),下载次数:1410
48. A synchronous distributed cloud-based virtual reality meeting system for architectural and urban design
作者:Sun, L.; Fukuda, T.; ,卷期:3(4),下载次数:1398
49. Phenomenology of rhythm in design
作者:Chan, Chiu-Shui,卷期:1(3),下载次数:1385
50. A study of the impact of environmental loads that penetrate a passive skylight roofing system in Malaysian buildings
作者:Karam M. Al-Obaidi,卷期:3(2),下载次数:1383