Advanced Series of Leading Architects' Theories (Autumn & Spring Semester)

Dietmar Eberle
AETH Zurich, Emeritus Professor / Founder of Baumschlager
Eberle Architekten

Michela Barosio
Politecnico di Torino, Associate Professor
课程帮助学生了解国外经典理论及城市研究的最新动态,拓展视野,并结合论文写作,培养学生的理论思辨能力,英文学术文献阅读和理解的能力。本学期课程由2部分组成,一是由苏黎世瑞士联邦理工学院荣休教授Dietmar Eberle教授主讲的“建筑设计方法I”,通过对若干建筑基本问题的专题剖析,从社会背景、理论发展与实践探索等方面,加强对建筑基本问题及设计方法的理解。二是由都灵理工Michela Barosio教授主讲的“工业聚落的城市角色”,通过城市分析理论方法的学习以及城市更新范式案例的研究,对三类典型用地,剖析欧洲城市中工业聚落更新的发展历程和策略范式的演变。
The course is about the classic theory and contemporary practice about urban and architecture design, to help students broaden view and cultivate critical thinking. In autumn semester of 2021, the course will have two parts, online. One is “Method of Architecture Design” given by Prof. Dietmar Eberle, the former dean of Architecture Department, ETH. Through thematic lectures regarding the basic architectural issues, with explanation of their social background, theoretical evolution and practice, the part enhances students’ awareness and knowledge of the complexity of architectural design. Another part is “Urban Role of Industrial Settlements” given by Prof. Michela Barosio from PoliTo. It focuses on the roles of industrial settlements in the urban European context. Three types of industrial settlements will be observed through well-established urban analysis theories and with different paradigmatic case studies.