Readings in Architecture

David Leatherbarrow
Architectural Internalization Demonstration School, Professor

Esra Sahin Burat
Architectural Internalization Demonstration School, Associate Professor
该课程由两部分组成:1)用倒序的方式,仔细阅读西方建筑理论史上从20世纪到古代的“作者建筑师”的著作;2)研究“作者建筑师”的著作中涉及的一些关键话题,因为这些话题不仅出现在建筑文本中,也出现在艺术与哲学文本中。 The purpose of this course is to provide to students who are embarking on careers in scholarship in architecture a re-introduction to some of the principal issues and writings of the Western tradition. In addition to introducing themes and texts, this course aims to increase and ease the student’s familiarity with the practices that are typical of scholarship, the forms and habits of scholarly inquiry, particularly when that scholarship seeks interconnections with design practice.The course is two-part: 1) close reading of the writings of author-architects in the history of Western architectural theory from antiquity to the 20th century, though structured in reverse chronological order, and 2) an introductory study of some of the key topics that the writings of author architects typically address, as they have been set forth in different kinds of texts: architectural, art historical, and philosophical.