Ecological Urbanism in Modern Asia

Sinan Burat
Architectural Internalization Demonstration School, Associate Professor
•探讨“现代”这一概念在城市规划设计中是如何随时间变化的•回顾现、当代建筑师、规划师和景观设计师提出的使城市“更加绿色环保”的相关建议•对气候变化的适应和减缓措施的现状与工业城市问题的现代对策进行比较分析•采取学术性、批判性的方法促进对绿色城市的整体理解World is going through an intensifying catastrophe: the climate crisis caused by industrialization. While the analysis and the projections regarding the severity of the looming crisis have been made since the nineteenth century, urban proposals to understand and to mitigate its effects have been fairly recent. Nevertheless, some of these contemporary schemes are indeed similar to the proposals of the modern architects and planners who pondered upon creating healthy and comfortable urban environments in the face of the prevailing industrial urbanization that caused abrupt changes not only in natural aspects of the urban setting but also its social life. Solutions to the unhealthy and disrupted living conditions were proposed in the form of utopias and model settlements. A lively intellectual environment was created and ideas were exchanged between planners, architects and landscape architects. Today the crisis has become global, pervasive and much more severe. Contemporary designers and planners are proposing various schemes to rethink and redefine the urban form with respect to the cycles of water, carbon, air, and energy. In this respect, the regional climatic, geographic, economic, and social conditions of the cities become important parameters in the search for productive remedies to tackle the local effects of the global crisis. Along these lines, the aim of the course is:• to define and discuss the premises and the effects of industrialization and modernism with respect to cities• to investigate into how the notion of the “modern” changed in time in urban design planning• to review what the modern and the contemporary architects, planners and landscape architects have proposed to make the cities “greener”• to make comparative analysis between the current state of climate change adaptation and mitigation measures and the modern responses to the problems of the industrial city• to facilitate an informed and critical approach to the overall understanding of green cities.