FoAR,源于教育部于2006年启动的Frontiers学术期刊项目。目前,Frontiers系列学术期刊共有17本,包括数学、物理、计算机、地学、生命科学、工程科学等领域,FoAR是其中一本,全名为:Frontiers of Architectural Research(建筑学研究前沿)。Frontiers学术期刊属于中国的高水平、全英文、国际化学术期刊。
FoAR,创刊3年以来,在各位主编和编辑的共同努力下,国际影响不断提升。到目前为止已发表来自世界24个不同国家的论文136篇,全球总下载次数达22.3万次,平均每篇论文的下载次数超过1600次,其中近半数的下载来自美国,这些数据超过了很多高影响因子的SCI检索刊物。同样,这一数据更从一个侧面说明了国际学术界对中国建筑,城市规划,风景园林等相关专业的关注和渴望了解的程度。2013年,FoAR被中国科学引文库CSCD(Chinese Sciences Citation Database)收录。2014年,FoAR共收到国际自由投稿149篇,越来越多的国际学者在关注着这一杂志。2015年,FoAR即将申请进入包括SCI和SSCI在内的其他数据库。
Project Name: Facade Design of Youth Olympic Game Service Center (Nanjing 2014)
Location: Nanjing, Jiangsu
Use: This building works asa service center for participants of Nanjing Youth Olympic Game in 2014, and reusedas an activity center after the closing of the Olympic Game.
Design time: 2013.08-2013.10
Construct time: 2013.11-2014.04
Architects: Li Biao, GuoZifeng.
Photographer: Geng Tao
Designsupport tools to sustain climate change adaptation at the local level: A reviewand reflection on their suitability, Catherine Dubois,Geneviève Cloutier, André Potvin, Luc Adolphe,,Florent Joerin,School of Architecture, Laval University, 1 côte de laFabrique, Québec City, G1R 3V6, Canada
Privacy,modesty, hospitality, and the design of Muslim homes: A literature review, Zulkeplee Othmann, Rosemary Aird,Laurie Buys, School ofDesign, Queensland University of Technology, Faculty of Creative Industries,Brisbane, Australia
Urbangreenways: Operationalizing design syntax and integrating mathematics and sciencein design, ArchanaSharma, Morgan StateUniversity School of Architecture and Planning, CBEIS, 1700 E. Cold SpringLane, Baltimore, MD 21251, USA
Plantingdesign for urban parks: Space syntax as a landscape design assessment tool, Ayman HassaanMahmoud, Reham H. Omari, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, CairoUniversity, Giza 12211, Egypt
Modernityin tradition: Reflections on building design and technology in the Asianvernacular, Mamun Rashid, DilshadRahat Ara, Department ofArchitectural Engineering (AE), University of Sharjah, PO BOX 27272 Sharjah,United Arab Emirates
Parametricstudy on the performance of green residential buildings in China, Xi Wang, HasimAltan, Jian Kang, School of Architecture, University of Sheffield, Western Bank,Sheffield S10 2TN, United Kingdom
Effectof façade systems on the performance of cooling ceilings: In situ measurements, KatharinaEdern, Thomas Bednar, Department for Building Physics and Building Acoustic,Vienna University of Technology, Adolf-Blamauer-Gasse 1-3, 1030, Vienna,Austria
期刊编辑:逄植淇 (高等教育出版社);于长会(东南大学)、呼小檬(东南大学)