【让时光织补记忆】东南大学-都灵理工大学联合教学 ZUCCARO’S GALLERY IN TURI

【让时光织补记忆】东南大学-都灵理工大学联合教学 ZUCCARO’S GALLERY IN TURI


Marco Trisciuoglio, 吴锦绣,姜清玉


Marco Trisciuoglio, 吴锦绣,姜清玉












Turin is a city in Northern Italy, founded by ancient Romans. It have had a great urban development, first ascapital of the Duchy of Savoy in the Baroque period (XVIIth and beginning of XVIIIth century) and later in the late XIXth century, as the first capital of a new European State, the Kingdom of Italy. We worked on the historical centralsquare of that city, full of ancient monuments like the medieval castle of Turin (known as palace of Acaja’s Princes, later Palazzo Madama) and the Royal Palace and its annexes.


These two noble palaces were once linked by a connecting building, the so-called Zuccaro Gallery. It was built between 1606 and 1607 and it was destroyed in a fire in 1667 and never rebuilt (exceptas a temporary installation in 1997). The Gallery (officially called “Museo”) was composed of thirty-two arcades, the frescoes between the windows depict a sortof history of the world, including the constellations and all known animals.The gallery housed statues, books and manuscripts, too.


The main idea of my studio was there construction, with a contemporary language, of the missing building nowadays,as a museum(hosting and exhibition of Leonardo’s machines). To do that thestudents have had to study the history of the Galleria and the urban form of Turin,even re-drawing the surrounding buildings in the historical square. The frequent exchange of views with my SEU colleagues was very precious, to combine the Italian approach to the architectural design and the Chinese approach todesign teaching.






It seemedto me, at the beginning, like a way to involve my Nanjing bachelor students infacing at once different problems into a different culture and a differentpoint of view towards architectural design. It has been for me, at the end, adiscovery: combining my western lectures and design experiments with long walksin Chinese cities, made me understand the real value of the comparison.

In fact,drawing the map of Nanjing during my walks, helped me in better describing and understandingTorino, the Italian city where I live.RolandBarthes was right, when he wrote “The Empire of Signs”(1970): studying Japanmeans understanding France. Like in a mirror, two different cultures canunderstand better each other, if they never stop putting questions each other.




The students made first an exercise to imagine a conjectural reconstruction of the missing building, then they recognized the architectural elements of the two palaces to be remained and connected and they studied the Galleria as a type.

The final results are five projects. One, based on the idea of tectonic, has been organized around a monumental and long stairs with a big and transparent cubic roof (ready to become like a giant lamp in the night). Another one chooses wood and steelto build a “box” volume, borne by columns andarches. There is a project grounded on the idea of a “watch tower”, that allows to better organize the exhibition’s spaces, opening the views towards the urban landscape. Another project plays with the structural power of several parallel walls to build something like a strong and ancient Roman museum. The last one describes a new reading of the Galleria, trying to pay a great attention to the internal space.






We worked a lot in the projects’ representation, looking at the style of the Italian “Tendenza”, that better gives the idea ofthe architecture “as a built event” and that better recovers the historical wayto show architecture (with use of shadows and watercolours’ tones).

Finally the goal of a new awareness of the western architecture by students was fully reached.


