
Urban Morphology, Architectural Typology,

Contemporary Settlement Patterns


Design Studio of Regeneration in Hehua Tang Area, Nanjing


教案设计:Marco Trisciuoglio、鲍莉

指导教师:Marco Trisciuoglio、鲍莉、吴锦绣

助       教: 姜蕾、湛洋






Which could be, nowadays in China, the outcomes of an urban regeneration project?  Should we really decide between ordinary districts made by tall anonymous buildings or gated communities closed into inner villages dominated by “fake” restorations in Chinese traditional style? The contemporary Chinese society, the more and more complex economical system, the new rules concerning ownership, all these novelties are asking designers and decision makers to find a third way: new sustainable architecture designed upon the typological and morphological fundamental of the city. That is also a way for the necessary renovation of typological and morphological studies into the architectural and urban worldwide culture, towards a much less rigid and much more flexible ideas of what a “type” is. 



Studio Introduction

本次设计课程由意大利都灵理工大学Marco Trisciuoglio教授和本院鲍莉、吴锦绣老师联合授课,是一次本硕贯通的联合设计实验,参与学生来自建筑学本科四年级和研究生一年级。课程选址在南京老城南门西地区的荷花塘地块,紧邻城墙内侧,处于南京市历史名城保护区范围内。基地内除了几处省市级文保单位及历史建筑之外,大部分民居已衰败破乱,亟待更新。居民多为本地中低收入劳动阶层或租住的外来务工者。课题的重心是借助形态学和类型学的研究方法探索该地块及建筑的更新设计策略。

The core of the Design Studio, lead by Marco Trisciuoglio (Politecnico di Torino, Italy) together with Professor Bao Li and Professor Wu Jinxiu, and devoted to a mixed team of students (attending the fourth year of the Bachelor Program and the first year of the Master Program in Architecture) was the morphological disposition of an area in the south part of Nanjing. Located at the interior side of the ancient city-walls, as part of the Nanjing’s Precious Historical City Conservation Zone, except some listed historical buildings (municipal or provincial level), the Hehua Tang area is mostly occupied by shacks and dilapidated courtyard houses, waiting today for a new regeneration’s season. The residents are composed largely by local low-income working class and migrant workers as tenants. The focus of the design studio is exploring new regeneration strategies for this area and its buildings, using urban morphology and building typology approach as helpful instruments. 






Studio Overview

本次联合设计的目标是让中国学生学习以意大利形态学的方式去阅读现有的城市,进而应用到地块更新的设计中去。藉由此机会,我们可以重新认识由Saverio Muratori和Gianfranco Caniggia建立、并因Aldo Rossi而传播至世界的意大利形态学的设计理论和方法工具,并在对当代中国城市形态的研究中体现并丰富它的价值。这也为进一步论证形态学作为城市设计工具的有效性提供了机会:用西方的形态学分类探讨传统及现代中国城市发展过程是富有成效的方法,帮助我们革新“形态学思维”,使其更适于面向世界范围的当代城市设计问题。

The aim of the Design Studio was making Chinese students approach the Italian morphological way to read the existing city, in order to design its regeneration. It has been the opportunity to recover the design theories and the design instruments studied by Saverio Muratori and Gianfranco Caniggia (but diffused all over the world by Aldo Rossi), recognizing their fruitful value in the research about the urban form of the contemporary Chinese cities. It has been also the opportunity to go ahead in the reasoning about the morphology as a powerful tool to work on urban design: using western typological categories in approaching the traditional and contemporary processes of development of the Chinese city is a fruitful way to innovate the “morphological thought” and to make it more apt to face the contemporary cities’ design question all over the world.



The students' design experience was defined as an incremental step-based process which involved different stages. After a general(geographical, historical and sociological) study on the area, students have been asked to recognize, into the existing and chaotic urban fabric, some recurrent types: the courtyard-houses, the urban narrow corridors, the relation between main blocks of the houses and the streets. Working on those types,testing methods of reading them (by sketches, models, schematic drawings)students shifted existing types to “new typologies”and then collected, organized and managed those new typologies in complex “patterns”. The patterns have been used to create the new urban fabric of the area, in which it was possible to imagine to keep only historical and “heritage labeled” buildings and re-design the most of the settlement.






In different steps of the course, some additional exercises were given to the masters for the oretical or analytic training: reading papers and books about typology and morphology, analyzing Pompeii’s building types (and the transformation of the urban fabric in that ancient Roman city), writing short papers about the local building types and their transformation. As a mixed team with both bachelor and master students, that also provided professors a chance to explore some beneficial and interesting teaching methods. The first phase of the work was based on mixed groups of bachelor and master students. The presentations and reports of the masters, together with their co-working, helped also the bachelor students to better understand the theoretical background and the realistic basis of the whole project, and to broaden their academic horizons.



At the same time, the opportunity was much greater to refresh and better organize (maybe for new, more interesting, wider and also unexpected uses) two conceptual instruments: morphology and typology. They had been coded in the Fifties and Sixties of last century (between Italy, Germany and UK), later, during last decades, they had been forgotten in the climate of new hyper-modern and functional international styles of architecture (between “parametric” and “high tech”solutions). But now they can be rediscovered and overall augmented to make architects become able again to take care of the past and the future of the cities at the same time.



Teams' Works



Group A: Urban Chamber


Ding Yuanbai, Wang An'an, Gu Jiaming,Zhu Pengfei


The group tried to connect the Hehua Tang Area with a series of urban public spaces, which carries the memory of history. Based on the original names and network of streets, they formed the major pedestrian system with a main road and several branches, dividing the area into different parts. Several streets nodes become a series of enclosed urban public spaces, named “city chambers” as urban reinterpretation of courtyard, the traditional inward-directed shared space. The expectation is that parts of the local daily life and behaviors could be transferred and kept down in such spaces. At the same time, after the study of building types in Hehua Tang Area, the group developed new types to get them embedded into the site, considering their compatibility and complementarity with the old buildings.



Group B: Innovative TraditionalGardens


Wu Shu, Fan Linlin, Ding Rui, Wu Hegen


Reviewing the historical information such as the aerial map of 1929, the group tried to extract the effective forms and characters from tradition and create places for public activities in the field. The whole project pivots around two east-west greenbelts, one north-south main axis, and a series of inward-directed public gardens, the “innovative traditional gardens” scattered around. The two east-west greenbelts build the connection between Yuyuan gardenand Zhongshan south road; the main north-south axis carries most commercial activities; and the “innovative traditional gardens”, as shared spaces linked with traditional images and memories, provide the places of local public activities for every group of residential units.



Group C: Wells and tea houses


Shi Jianbo, Wu Zeming, Song Mengmei,Wu Yiwen


It is easy to find that there are still many traditional wells and alleys in Hehua Tang Area. They reveal people a corner of the traditional Nanjing lifestyle. The well is the keyword of Group C. Maintaining and restoring all the wells, even expanding their symbolic value into urban spaces and tea houses is a way to keep some pieces of the memories of the historical city and its life.



Group D: Beaming


Liu Qiao, Han Ke, Huang Yifan


The keyword of this project is beaming. Studying and redrawing the map of the historical settlement gives as outcome the discovery of the potential role of a group of protected buildings into the life and the urban space of Hehua Tang Area.  Project aims to make this core become the district community center, so that the orientation and hierarchy of the streets are traced in accordance with the position of that central group of historical buildings. Finally a radial system of streets and spaces has been generated by the project to allow and suggest the design of new buildings’ patterns.



Selected Individual Works


水井-生活 Wells and life

施剑波 Shi Jianbo


This design work is intended to protect the remaining old wells & the memories it refers to. In this case, urban morphology & architectural typology became efficient instruments to make student clarify the existing system & the hierarchy of the public spaces in the area, facing the design question about the relationship & interplay among the public spaces, building types & human behaviors in different levels. Furthermore, it provided the student a chance to explore another potential approach for a gradual regeneration of the old town.


新-院 Innovative traditional garden

吴舒 Wu Shu


The prototype of new houses comes from the original types in Hehua Tang Area, and it is designed as symmetrical twin houses for two families. The gardens of the neighborhoods are not only the plazas for residents, but also spaces to interpret the dialogs between new houses & historical buildings. Continuous brick walls are used as landscape elements to recall people’s collective memories of this area.


辐射•链 Beaming and connection

刘巧 Liu Qiao


The project "Beaming and Connection" aims to create more qualified living environment in Hehua Tang Area, by transforming historical buildings into a continues sequence of collective spaces in different levels. The whole area were organized around the shared Community Center. The Center is connected with other active public spaces in different neighborhoods as a "radial spatial system", in order to form an effective sequence of shared space for public activities. Similarly, in different neighborhoods, facilities or garden zones around the historic buildings could maintain & promote the relationship among local residents.


痕迹  Trace

   吴和根 Wu Hegen


New courtyards in the design come from the image of old maps, representing the trace of historical courtyards. The design aims at connecting the north & south with groups of new courtyards. After the study of the traditional sloping roof courtyard houses in Hehua Tang Area, the traditional central courtyard is divided &relocated in the new type to meet the needs of various public & private spaces in house.


