国际在线教学季Advanced Lecture Series丨人居环境与景观预告

国际在线教学季Advanced Lecture Series丨人居环境与景观预告


Living Environment and landscape


1. 嵌入式景观建筑:通往建筑与环境之路的思想与作品(英语)

 Michael U. Hensel教授,维也纳理工大学


2. 欢迎来到Subirdia:野生动物学家的景观视野(英语)

 John M. Marzluff教授,华盛顿大学


3. 设计未来环境的生态原型(英语)

 Defne Sunguroglu Hensel教授,维也纳理工大学


4. 动物辅助设计:弥合风景园林与环境保护之间的差距(英语)

 Wolfgang W. Weisser教授,慕尼黑工业大学


5. 建筑自然:新的融合(英语)

 Ferdinand Ludwig教授,慕尼黑工业大学


6. 工业场所、文化锚点与健康紧急情况(英语)

 Edoardo Currà教授,罗马大学


7. 风景园林数字化时代的未来范式(英语)

 C. Timothy Baird教授,康奈尔大学


Time Schedule

1. Embedded Architectures: Thoughts and Works of Route to Architecture and Environment (in English)

Professor Michael U. Hensel, Vienna University of Technology

15:00-17:00, July 13, 2020

2. Welcome to Subirdia (in English)

Professor John M. Marzluff, University of Washington

20:00-22:00, July 14, 2020

3. Ecological Prototypes for Designing Future Environments (in English)

Professor Defne Sunguroglu Hensel, Vienna University of Technology

15:00-17:00, July 15, 2020

4. Animal-Aided Design: Bridging the Gap between Landscape Architecture and Conservation (in English)

Professor Wolfgang W. Weisser, Technical University of Munich

15:00-17:00, July 16, 2020

5. Architecture as Nature: New Hybrids (in English)

Professor Ferdinand Ludwig, Technical University of Munich

15:00-17:00, July 17, 2020

6. Industrial Sites, Cultural Anchor Points and Health Emergency (in English)

Professor Edoardo Currà, Sapienza University of Rome

15:00-17:00, July 18, 2020

7. Future Paradigm of Landscape Architecture in Digital Times (in English)

Professor C. Timothy Baird, Cornell University

20:00-22:00, July 19, 2020

主持人 Chair

Prof. Michael U. Hensel

 Michael U. Hensel博士是维也纳理工大学的教授,领衔该校数字建筑和规划研究部门。他曾任教于伦敦建筑协会(AA)建筑学院、阿姆斯特丹Berlage学院、奥斯陆建筑设计学院、慕尼黑工业大学、休斯敦莱斯大学和悉尼科技大学。作为ACDL(位于奥斯陆的高级计算设计实验室)建筑与构造研究中心与创新中心的创始人和代理主任,Hensel教授同时是悉尼大学创新研究员和慕尼黑工业大学高级研究所名誉研究员。目前,作为海洋建筑|环境公司的注册建筑师和合伙人,他同时也是LamoLab研究中心指导委员会的成员。此外,作为国际网络实践海洋的联合创始人,他是OCEAN NORTH的合作伙伴,也是海洋设计研究协会的成立和代理主席。

Dr. Michael U. Hensel is a Professor at Vienna University of Technology where he leads the research department for Digital Architecture and Planning. Previously he taught at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London, Berlage Institute Amsterdam, Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Technical University in Munich, Rice University in Houston, and the University of Technology Sydney. He was founding and acting director of the Research Center for Architecture and Tectonics together with its innovation hub ACDL – Advanced Computational Design Laboratory in Oslo, innovation fellow at the University of Sydney and an honorary fellow of the Institute of Advanced Studies at the Technical University in Munich. Currently, he is a registered architect and partner in OCEAN Architecture | Environment. He is also a member of the steering committee of LamoLab Research Center. He was the co-founder of the international network practice OCEAN, a partner in OCEAN NORTH and founding and acting chairperson of the OCEAN Design Research Association.

Prof. CHENG Yuning


Cheng Yuning is the distinguished professor of Southeast University, designer of Jiangsu Province and representative of Nanjing Municipal People’s Congress, member of the 7th Discipline Evaluation Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, Member of the National Steering Committee for Graduate Education in Landscape Architecture, Member of the Landscape Architecture Sub-committee of the Teaching Steering Committee of Architectural Specialty in Institutions of Higher Learning, Director of China Society of Landscape Architecture, Vice Chairman of the Theory and History Committee of the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture, Vice Chairman of the Education Committee of the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture, Member of the Specialized Committee of Landscape Architecture of the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture, Vice Chairman of the Specialized Committee of Landscape Architecture of the Chinese Society of Architecture, Director of the Specialized Committee of Landscape Architecture of the Jiangsu Society of Civil Architecture as well as Editor of Journals including Chinese Garden and Landscape Architecture. He has long been committed to promoting the scientific landscape architecture, landscape architecture planning and design to a new height where rationality and sensibility mingle, science and art merge; The research and practice work in the field of digital landscape in China has been expanded, and the parametric design method of landscape architecture and the quantitative technical method of landscape environmental performance have been originally constructed, improving the international status and influence of the research in the field of digital landscape in China.


Prof. John M. Marzluff

 John M. Marzluff博士是华盛顿大学野生动物科学方向的教授。他的研究一直是《纽约时报》、《国家地理》、《奥杜邦》、《男孩生活》、《西雅图时报》、《国家野生动物》、《消费者报告》、《时代》和《科学》杂志文章的焦点。PBS的《自然》(NATURE)节目在其制作的纪录片《乌鸦》(Ravens)和《乌鸦谋杀案》(A Murder of Crows)中突出了他对乌鸦的研究。目前,他在华盛顿大学教授的课程包括:鸟类学、稀有物种的保护和管理、黄石公园的实地研究以及哥斯达黎加的自然史和文化史。

Dr. John M. Marzluff is a professor of wildlife science at the University of Washington. His research has been the focus of articles in the New York Times, National Geographic, Audubon, Boys Life, The Seattle Times, National Wildlife, Consumer Reports, Time, and Science.  PBS’s NATURE featured his raven research in its production, "Ravens," and his crow research in the film documentary, "A Murder of Crows." Currently, His classes include Ornithology, Governance and Conservation of Rare Species, Field Research in Yellowstone, and Natural and Cultural History of Costa Rica.

Prof. Defne Sunguroğlu Hensel

 Defne Sunguroğlu Hensel博士目前是维也纳理工大学的教师与高级研究员,她曾任教于伦敦建筑协会(AA)建筑学院、奥斯陆建筑设计学院、慕尼黑工业大学和悉尼科技大学。作为一位建筑师和室内设计师,她是海洋建筑|环境的合作伙伴,同时也是LamoLab研究中心的协调经理和指导委员会成员。她曾以主任建筑师的身份在伊斯坦布尔的Tabanlioğlu Architects和伦敦的Buro Happold’s Generative Geometry Group工作过,她的工作和研究专注于以新颖和混合建筑类型为目标的综合性和适应性景观建筑设计,特别是关注城市生态系统功能和城市食品生产的绿色生态建筑。此外,她专注于设计方法论,特别是设计计算、数据驱动设计以及创新设计决策支持系统。

Dr. Defne Sunguroğlu Hensel is currently a senior researcher at the Vienna University of Technology. Previously she taught at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London, Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Technical University in Munich, and the University of Technology Sydney. As an architect and interior architect, she is a partner in OCEAN Architecture | Environment, as well as coordinating manager and member of the steering committee of LamoLab Research Center. Previously she worked at renowned practices, including Tabanlioğlu Architects in Istanbul and Buro Happold’s Generative Geometry Group in London. Her work and research focus on integrative and adaptive architectural design aiming for novel and hybrid building types, especially in green construction with a focus on urban ecosystem functions and urban food production. Furthermore, she focuses on design methodology, especially on design computing, data-driven design, and innovative design decision support systems. 

Prof. Wolfgang W. Weisser

 Wolfgang W. Weisser博士是一位动物生态学家,他曾在德国吉奥恩大学和拜罗伊特大学研究生物学和数学,并于英国牛津大学从事行为生态学研究。1994年,他获得英国牛津大学哲学博士学位。在希尔伍德公园帝国学院(Imperial College at Silwood Park)和巴塞尔大学(University of Basel)的动物学研究所(Zoology Institute)完成博士后研究之后,他于1999年到德国耶拿的弗里德里希-席勒大学(Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena)担任陆地生态学教授。自2011年起,他在德国慕尼黑工业大学担任陆地生态学教授。在他的基础研究中,他对土地利用、生物多样性和生态系统功能关系的潜在机制研究特别感兴趣。在他的应用研究中,他的目标是利用自然科学来改善绿色基础设施的设计和保护。在慕尼黑,他接触到风景园林专业,并对将动物纳入风景园林设计产生了浓厚的研究兴趣。

Dr. Wolfgang W. Weisser is an animal ecologist who studied biology and mathematics in Gießen and Bayreuth in Germany. In 1994, he received his D.Phil. from Oxford University, the U.K. where he carried out research in Behavioral Ecology at the Department of Zoology. After Postdoc periods at Imperial College at Silwood Park and in the Zoology Institute, University of Basel, he moved to the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany, in 1999, as a professor for Terrestrial Ecology. Since 2011 he holds the chair for Terrestrial Ecology at the Technical University in München, Germany. In his fundamental research, he is interested in the mechanisms underlying the relationships between land use, biodiversity, and ecosystem functioning. In his applied research, he aims at using science to improve the design of green infrastructure and conservation in general. In Munich, he came into contact with landscape architecture and became very interested in including animals in landscape architectural design.

Prof. Ferdinand Ludwig

 Ferdinand Ludwig博士从2017年起在慕尼黑工业大学担任风景园林绿色技术研究方向的教授。他是一名跨学科的研究者和设计师,研究方向主要聚焦于从功能性和创造性上将植物景观与建筑设计融合。Ferdinand Ludwig博士曾于德国斯图加特大学(University of Stuttgart)学习建筑学并完成其博士学位,他的论文题目为“Baubotanik(意为“利用活的植物进行建筑”)的植物学基础及其在设计中的应用”。2007年,他在斯图加特大学成立了一个名为“Baubotanik”的研究小组,一直执教到2017年。2010年,他成立了联合工作室“Ludwig.schönle: Baubotanik – Architecture – Urbanism”。他的许多作品曾于巴黎展览馆(Fibra Architectures 2019)、圣保罗建筑双年展(Sao Paolo Architecture Bienniale)和威尼斯建筑双年展(German Pavillon, delay to 2021)上发表与展出。

Dr. Ferdinand Ludwig is a Professor for Green Technologies in Landscape Architecture (gtla*) at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) since 2017.  He is an interdisciplinary researcher and designer, mainly focusing on architectural concepts that integrate plants – both functionally and creatively – into construction designs. Ferdinand studied architecture and completed his doctorate studies at the University of Stuttgart with a dissertation entitled "The Botanical Fundamentals of Baubotanik and their Application in Design". In 2007, he founded the research group “Baubotanik” at the University of Stuttgart which he headed until 2017. In 2010 he founded the office collaboration “Ludwig.schönle: Baubotanik – Architecture – Urbanism”. His work is published and exhibited internationally, e.g. in the Pavillon de l’ Arsenale Paris (Fibra Architectures 2019), the Architecture Bienniale of Sao Paolo 2019 (everyday maintenance) and the Venice Architecture Bienniale 2020 (German Pavillon, postponed to 2021).

Prof. Edoardo Currà

 Edoardo Curra博士目前是意大利罗马大学的教授。作为CRITEVAT -保护和改善环境及领土工程研究中心的董事会成员,他是意大利工业考古遗产协会AIPAI的国家主席,也是国际工业遗产保护委员会TICCIH的重要成员。他的研究主要是从遗产(特别是工业遗产)管理和恢复的角度,协调众多关于建筑和景观环境基底之间关系问题的研究与公约制定。从2015年到2019年之间,他一直在南京东南大学担任客座教授一职。他在东南大学景观学系教授的课程包括:《近两个世纪的城市历史景观:建筑遗产保护与再利用》(研讨课程)和《工业遗产更新的数字工具》(设计课程)。

Dr. Edoardo Currà is currently a professor at the University of Rome "Sapienza". He is also a member of the Board of CRITEVAT - Research Center in Engineering for the Protection and Enhancement of the Environment and The Territory. Currently, he is the national president of AIPAI - Italian Association for Industrial Archaeological Heritage and a member of TICCIH - The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage. He coordinates numerous research projects and conventions on the issues of the relationship between Architecture and Bed Construction on the point of view of the management and recovery of heritage, in particular industrial heritage. From 2015 to 2019, he has been a visiting professor at the Southeast University of Nanjing where he taught the seminary "Urban historical landscapes of last two centuries: built heritage conservation and re-use" for the five-year degree in "Landscape Architecture" and the studio in "Digital tools for the renovation of the industrial heritage".

Prof. C. Timothy Baird

 Tim Baird博士是康奈尔大学景观学系的教授和系主任。目前,他的教学与研究重点是解决城市剩余空间问题的设计研讨课,并通过使用城市农业和其他行为表述性操作从景观物质性层面为城市建设提供再生机会。他尝试将景观教学与风景园林的兼职实践结合起来,并试图将这种专业经验带入课堂,加强实践与学术的联系,让学生理解理论与实践的相互关系。

Dr. Tim Baird is a professor and chair of landscape architecture at Cornell University. Currently, his teaching focuses on design studios that address urban vacancy and the opportunities they provide for regeneration through the use of urban agriculture and other performative operations as well as seminars in landscape materiality. He combines teaching with the part-time practice of landscape architecture and he attempts to bring this professional experience to the classroom in order to strengthen the bond between practice and the academy so students can begin to understand the interrelationship of the theoretical with the pragmatic.

讨论环节协调人 Coordinator



