

建筑学 / 城乡规划 / 风景园林

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Frontiers of Architectural Research(《建筑学研究前沿》)是由高等教育出版社和东南大学联合主办的全英文学术期刊,是教育部重点支持的前沿系列(Frontiers)学术期刊中的一本。已被A&HCI收录。本刊于2012年创刊,为季刊(一年四期),2022年起改为双月刊(一年六期)。收录论文内容覆盖但不限于建筑设计及其理论、建筑科学及技术、城市研究、风景园林、建筑历史及遗产保护、绿色低碳建筑等研究领域。是一本全球发行并可开放获取(Open Access)的期刊。

Frontiers of Architectural Research优先发表创新突出、科学性和技术性强的研究论文,特定研究领域中的综述性文章和案例分析,采用严格科学方法和使用前沿技术进行研究的论文,同时也欢迎探讨建筑社会属性的高水平论文。按照国际惯例,对所有论文进行严格地同行评议并只接受英文投稿。

Frontiers of Architectural Research  / FoAR建筑学研究前沿Volume 12 / Issue 4 / August 2023Pages 575 - 802

Peer Review Under Responsibility of Southeast University东南大学负责同行评议

Pages 575-586

Lighting, colour and geometry: Which has the greatest influence on students' cognitive processes?

Marı´a Luisa Nole´ Fajardo (a)*, Juan Luis Higuera-Trujillo (a)(b), Carmen Llinares (a)

(a) Instituto Universitario de Investigacio´n en Tecnologı´a Centrada en el Ser Humano (HUMAN-tech),Universitat Polite`cnica de Vale`ncia, Valencia 46022, Spain 

(b) School of Architecture, Art and Design, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Monterrey 64849, Mexico

Pages 587-600

The first scientific plan of the MosqueCathedral of Co´rdoba: Graphic and dimensional analysis of an oil painting from 1741

Juan Cantizani-Oliva (a), Juan-Francisco Reinoso-Gordo (b), Antonio Ga´miz-Gordo (c)*

(a) Electrical and Automatic Engineering Department, University of Cordoba, Cordoba 14071, Spain 

(b) Architectural and Engineering Graphic Expression Department, University of Granada, Granada 18071, Spain 

(c) Architectural Graphic Expression Department, University of Seville, Seville 41012, Spain

Pages 601-612

Modular responsive facade proposals based on semi-regular and demi-regular tessellation: daylighting and visual comfort

Ecenur Kızılo¨renli*, Feray Maden

Department of Architecture, Yasar University, Izmir 35100, Turkey

Pages 613-629

Design and science: Content analysis of published peer-reviewed research over the last four decades

Milica Vujovic (a)*, Djordje Stojanovic (b), Tina Selami (a), Michael Hensel (a)

(a) Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Department of Digital Architecture and Planning, TU Wien,A-1060 Vienna, Austria 

(b) Faculty of Architecture, Buliding and Planning, University of Melbourne, Melbourne VIC 3000,Australia

Pages 630-650

An interactive approach for generating spatial architecture layout based on graph theory

Xiaoye Xie (a)(b), Wowo Ding (a)*

(a) School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China 

(b) Architects & Engineers Co., Ltd of Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China

Pages 651-663

Problematizing the model-building duality: Examining the New Sacristy at S. Lorenzo, Florence, Italy

Mike Christenson

School of Architecture, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA

Pages 664-682

Resulting of pedigree and topology of centripetal spatial schema in Chinese traditional cities

Wei Jia, Lijun Wang*, Hong Heng Chong

School of Architecture, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300000, China

Pages 683-699

Spatial characteristics of defensive traditional architecture in multiethnic village of Guangxi: Case studies of Mozhuang Village and Guxietun Village

Siyi Jia, Mohd Hafizal Bin Mohd Isa*, Zalena Binti Abdul Aziz

School of Housing, Building and Planning, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang 11800, Malaysia

Pages 700-713

The long-run estimation role of industrial parks on the level of sustainability in Iran and Turkey

Soniya Falahatdoost, Xingping Wang*

School of Architecture, Southeast University, Nanjing 210094, China

Pages 714-731

Evolution of the “Golden Royal City”: Analytical study on urban forms of ancient capital cities in Myanmar

Hong Jiang*, Yan Zhou

School of Architecture, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China

Pages 732-753

Designing with nature: Advancing threedimensional green spaces in architecture through frameworks for biophilic design and sustainability

Weijie Zhong*, Torsten Schroeder, Juliette Bekkering

Architectural Design and Engineering, Department of the Built Environment, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven 5600 MB, the Netherlands

Pages 754-774

Geometry-based graphical methods for solar control in architecture: A digital framework

Federico Bertagna a,*, Valeria Piccioni a, Pierluigi D’Acunto b

(a) Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich, Zurich 8093, Switzerland 

(b) School of Engineering and Design, Technical University of Munich, Munich 80333, Germany

Pages 775-787

The effect of horizontal elements and building orientation on PM2.5 concentration in classrooms

Nachawit Tikul (a)*, Apiruk Hokpunna (b), Panphat Chawana (c)

(a) Faculty of Architecture and Environmental Design, Maejo University, Chiang Mai 50290, Thailand 

(b) Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50290, Thailand 

(c) Chiang Mai Primary Education Service Area Office 2, Office of the Basic Education Commission, Chiang Mai 50290, Thailand

Pages 788-802

Detection of deteriorations in cultural structures created by carving into lowstrength rocks by the non-destructive test (NDT) method

Fatma O¨zer (a), Mehmet So¨ylemez (b)*, Ismail Ince (c), Osman Gu¨naydin (b)

(a) Graduate Education Institute, Adıyaman University, Adıyaman 02240, Turkey

(b) Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Adıyaman University, Adıyaman 02240,Turkey

(c) Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Department of Geological Engineering, Konya Technical University, Konya 42079, Turkey





校园建筑借鉴当地建筑文化与生活方式,以传统民居及东坡书院为原型,将 “院” “台” “廊” 等建筑语汇融入校园建筑设计中:在近地层设置庭院,在建筑各标高留出活动平台,并通过风雨廊连接。南向日照充足,为保证教室内有柔和的自然光线,在南向普通教室外设置水平遮阳构件;北向为冬季迎风面,建筑体量与建筑界面较为完整,配合场地树木的种植,达到阻挡冬季寒冷东北风的作用;东向为夏季风迎风面,在建筑的底层设置架空层,上层设置东西贯通的挑台、平台,保证东南风顺利穿过建筑和场地,带走湿热的空气。


▲ 校园东向鸟瞰

▲ 校园运动场人视

▲ 校园水院

▲ 教学区内院

▲ 主入口出挑平台


项目地点:中国 江苏 宜兴

项目规模:33094.13 ㎡ 






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