仁辉讲堂丨小椋大辅:古墓壁画保护设施的环境控制与壁画劣化的相关问题 ​

杨廷宝先生,字仁辉,是我国著名建筑学家和建筑教育家,东南大学建筑学科创立的一代宗师。2021年杨廷宝先生诞辰120周年之际,为传承和光扬先生的学术精神,东南大学建筑学院开设“仁辉讲堂”,长期延请国内外著名学者、建筑师举办讲座,弘扬学术,激励后学,推动中国建筑和建筑教育事业的蓬勃发展。本期仁辉讲堂,由国际知名的建筑物理领域专家,小椋大辅(Daisuke Ogura)教授主讲,采取线下方式开展。


Environmental Control of Ancient 

Tumulus Mural Conservation 

Facilities and Issues of Mural 


Daisuke Ogura

本次讲座主要聚焦于日本国宝高松塚古墳壁画的保存与劣化问题。1972年,在石室中发现壁画后,高松塚古墓被指定为国宝,并建立了现场保护设施来保存壁画。然而,由于壁画的损坏,石室于 2007年被拆除,绘有壁画的石块被移出墓室,并在修复设施中进行了修复。本报告根据过去的测量结果和石室入口处的记录,通过数值模拟研究,分析50年以来的引起壁画劣化的原因。报告最后强调了保存环境和预测分析对于不可移动文物保存的重要性,并提出了文化遗产保护中工程技术从业者应注意的事项。

This lecture mainly focuses on the preservation and deterioration of the murals in the Takamatsu-zuka Tumulus, a national treasure in Japan. The Takamatsu-zuka Tumulus was designated as a national treasure in 1972 when a mural painting was discovered in the stone chamber, and an on-site conservation facility was built to preserve it. However, due to deterioration of the murals, the stone chamber was dismantled in 2007, and the stones on which the murals were painted were removed from the tumulus and repaired at a repair facility. Based on past measurement results and records at the entrance of the stone chamber, this report analyzes the causes of mural deterioration in the past 50 years through numerical simulation research. Finally, the report emphasizes the importance of the conservation environment and predictive analysis for the preservation of cultural heritage, and proposes matters that engineering technology practitioners should pay attention to in cultural heritage conservation.


小椋大辅(Daisuke Ogura),京都大学大学院工学研究科建筑学专攻教授,现任京都大学大学院工学研究科副科长,是国际知名的建筑物理领域专家。主要从事建筑遗产保存环境控制与遗产材料劣化领域的研究,尤其是在建筑遗产材料中的热-湿-盐传递与保存环境控制方面的研究处于世界领先水平,参与日本高松冢古墓壁画、法隆寺金堂壁画、土耳其圣索菲亚大教堂等世界重要的文化遗产的保护研究。
Daisuke Ogura is a professor in Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering at Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University. He is mainly engaged in the research in the field of building heritage conservation environment control and heritage material deterioration, especially in the research in the field of heat-moisture-salt transfer in building heritage materials is at the world's leading level, and he has participated in the research on the preservation of world-important cultural heritages such as mural paintings of Takamatsu-zuka tumulusmurals of the Kindang of Horyuji Temple in Japan,, and the Hagia Sophia of Turkey, and he is an internationally renowned expert in the field of building physics.
