杨廷宝先生,字仁辉,是我国著名建筑学家和建筑教育家,东南大学建筑学科创立的一代宗师。2021年杨廷宝先生诞辰120周年之际,为传承和光扬先生的学术精神,东南大学建筑学院开设“仁辉讲堂”,长期延请国内外著名学者、建筑师举办讲座,弘扬学术,激励后学,推动中国建筑和建筑教育事业的蓬勃发展。本期仁辉讲堂,由土耳其知名建筑师,Yalın建筑事务所联合创始人奥马尔·塞尔丘克·巴兹(Ömer Selçuk Baz)主讲,采取线上线下同步直播的方式开展。
Bilibili直播间ID 东南大学
Places of Architecture
Ömer Selçuk Baz
In an era where we believe that everything can exist fluidly and universally everywhere, to what extent is it still possible to discuss the relationship between architecture, place, geography, and culture?
奥马尔·塞尔丘克·巴兹是土耳其知名建筑师,以及Yalın建筑事务所联合创始人。他出生于德国纽伦堡,在土耳其布尔萨乌鲁达大学获得建筑学学位。在维也纳技术大学深造期间,他荣获多项国内外大奖,并在维也纳的Atelier Stelzhammer实习。在赢得土耳其中央银行布尔萨分行设计竞赛一等奖后,他开始在土耳其独立从事设计实践,并与城市规划师Okan Bal共同创立了Yalın建筑事务所。
Ömer Selçuk Baz is a leading architect and the founding partner of Yalın Architecture in Turkey. Born in Nürnberg, Germany, he received his Architecture degree from Bursa Uludağ University in Turkey. He attended graduate studies at the Vienna University of Technology, during which he won several national and international awards and worked at Atelier Stelzhammer in Vienna. He launched his design practice in Turkey after winning the First Prize in the Central Bank Bursa Branch competition and founded Yalın Architecture with his partner Okan Bal, an urban planner.
Ömer Selçuk Baz and his team won numerous design competitions. Among them, the Museum of Troy received the European Museum of the Year Special Appreciation Award and the European Museum Academy Special Award. Other prominent projects include the Riyadh Mosque (First Prize winner), the Cappadocia Museum, Zonguldak Caves Visitor Center, and the Korean War Memorial and Visitor Center (First Prize winner).
Ömer Selçuk Baz was awarded the European 40 under 40 Award and he received the National Architecture Award in Turkey three times. He was honored with the International Sustainable Architecture Award in 2022, supported by UNESCO and presented by the Paris Architecture Center. He has led graduate design studios at architecture schools and served as a jury member for various design competitions.