职务职称: 教授,博士生导师,建筑技术与科学研究所所长
电子邮箱: liyonghui@seu.edu.cn;lyhui2000@qq.com
研究方向: 建筑环境物理,绿色健康建筑、文化遗产保护、文物保护工程设计


曾获华夏建设科学技术奖一等奖、江苏省土木建筑学会建筑创作奖一等奖、SCI期刊“JAABE”最佳论文奖2014、江苏省文博系统优秀论文一等奖等奖项;指导学生获得省优及校优硕士学位论文4篇、国内外各类学生设计奖多次。先后主持文化遗产保护领域“十三五”国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目等国家级/省部级科研项目10余项,在人民日报、Building and Environmentnpj Biofilms MicrobiomesPNAS等刊物发表学术论文130余篇,其中SCI/EI收录论文60余篇,申请/获授权专利和软著40余项。主持或参与国内外重要文化遗产保护工程设计和研究项目70余项,包括日本高松冢古墓壁画保存环境研究故宫养心殿环境控制与保护莫高窟窟内保存环境研究麦积山石窟千佛廊保存环境研究黄姚古镇历史街区保护大运河板闸遗址保护与展示设计南唐二陵本体保护工程钟山建筑遗址保护工程等。

社会兼职:国际建筑物理协会(IABP)理事、 SCI期刊Journal of Building Physics编委、《石窟与土遗址保护研究》编委、中国考古学会大运河考古和保护专业委员会委员、古遗址和彩绘保护江苏省重点文物科研基地(南京博物院)学术委员会委员等。


1. 建筑材料的水热力耦合运移与预测方法:如建筑温度和水分环境场域的预测等

2. 建筑室内热湿环境对人体热生理的影响:如温度波动对人体血压的影响和预测等

3. 建筑遗产预防性保护技术研究与应用:如敦煌莫高窟、紫禁城等表层病害管控等

4. 建筑遗产传承与可持续利用:如历史建筑、考古遗址等的保护与展示工程设计

招生信息:与建筑国际化示范学院鉾井修一教授共同主持“建筑遗产与环境”研究室,每年招收硕士研究生4-6名,博士研究生2-3名。欢迎建筑学、遗产保护、暖通工程、材料科学、化学、土木工程、微生物、计算机等相关学科专业的同学报考! 诚招研究方向为建筑遗产保护、热湿建筑物理等相关方向全职博士后科研人员!




[1] 李永辉. 当前文物建筑保护的难题与对策人民论坛,2024,(18):96-100.

[2] 李永辉. 因地制宜,为文物营造出宜居环境”. 人民日报, 2023.09.1606.

[3] Yonghui Li*, Xueqing Hu, Huarong Xie, Ruobin Wu, Zhengmo Zhang, Qinglin Guo, Shuichi Hokoi. The impact of cave opening and closure on murals hygrothermal behavior in Cave 98 of Mogao Caves, China. Building and Environment, 2024,256: 111502.

[4] Ting Zhang, Changchang Xia, Yan Ma, Ruohan Zhang, Shuai Han, Zhenyi Kong, Shuichi Hokoi, Yonghui Li*. Effects of tree density variations on outdoor heritage conservation: Numerical study of an ancient brick city wall with four orientations. Building and Environment, 2024,254: 111392.

[5] Yan Ma, Huarong Xie, Yonghui Li*, Shuichi Hokoi, Xiaogu Zhang, Xudong Wang. Water-related deterioration risk assessment for sustainable conservation of heritage buildings in the Forbidden City, China. Developments in the Built Environment, 2024, 17: 100293.

[6] Huarong Xie, Long Shen, Xiaohan Chen, Shuichi Hokoi, Yonghui Li*. Assessment and optimization of environmental regulation measures for stone carvings from the perspective of algal growth. Building and Environment, 2023, 234:110115

[7] Ruobin Wu, Yan Ma, Huarong Xie, Xudong Wang, Shuichi Hokoi, Yongqiang Yue, Junjian Hu, Baogang Mu, Yonghui Li*. Influence of solar radiation on the surface loss of the painted statues in Grotto No. 3 of Maijishan Grottoes, China. Building and Environment, 2023, 240:110416.

[8] Yonghui Li*, Zhenyi Kong, Huarong Xie, Yan Ma, Baogang Mu, Shuichi Hokoi. Construction type influences features of rising damp of blue-brick masonry walls. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 284:122791.

[9] Yonghui Li*, Changchang Xia, Ruobin Wu, Yan Ma, Baogang Mu, Tianwen Wang, Evangelos Petropoulos, Shuichi Hokoi. Role of the urban plant environment in the sustainable protection of an ancient city wall. Building and Environment, 2021, 187:107405.

[10] Yonghui Li*, Ruobin Wu, Huarong Xie, Guoli Zhao, Xinyuan Dang, Shuichi Hokoi. Water film in very high humidity inhibits mold growth on the damp surface of soil ruins. Building and Environment, 2020, 181:107073.
